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Function [up] [down]
Modify the amplitude of the frequency components of a sample

Parameter [up] [down]
Frequency-CurveHere you can draw the shape of the frequency spectrum.
Arrow-Gadgetsfor moving the curve
F-GadgetFlip, mirrors the curve
Bandnumber of the band you're currently working on
Valvalue of current band
Frqshows the frequency range for the current band.
RangeSimple tool to do a straight line between two bands. For those who can't draw these lines(like me) just click on the first band then range and then the second band.
ModeGives you the choice of moving just the current band or all when using the arrow buttons..
Window (W1)what windowfunction to use
BandsJust how many bands should SFX use. Less Bands means less math, but you lose out on accuracy.
StepsSFX does a transformation every sample-values. Lower values mean better quallity butlonger calculation. Steps can no be bigger than the half of the number of bands.

Notes [up] [down]
This operator uses the Fast-Fourier-Transformation for its calculations.

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© by Stefan Kost 1993-2001